Board Member Centro di Bario
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Are you interested in volunteer work and your passionate about neighborhood and Aruba? and wish to serve in the board? We are looking for you!Detailed description
Vacancy: Board member Centro di Bario (CDB)
Lago Heights - Tanki Leendert - Brazil
CEDE ARUBA, along with the above Centro di Bario's that are part of the project BARiO UNICO, are seeking enthusiastic candidates for Board Member CdB. As a Board Member, you will contribute to the development and achievement of the goals of a CdB. You will have the opportunity to participate in a diverse and challenging position shaping the future of your neighborhood.
Desired Qualities:
Do you have a warm heart for neighborhood and Aruba?
Are you socially engaged?
Are you entrepreneurial?
Are you energetic and enthusiastic?
Do you have empathy?
Are you innovative and have a vision for the future?
Do you have at least a mbo education?
Do you have at least 2 hours per week available?
If you meet these qualities, we invite you to apply for the position of General Board Member, Secretary, Treasurer. If you would like to carry more responsibility and already have some more experience -at least two years of relevant work experience.
A board member position with a CdB offers a unique opportunity to actively contribute to the future of the various neighborhoods of Aruba. We especially encourage young and driven professionals to participate in this Community Building Movement and thus be actively involved in the developments in their community. Together we are building a better future.
Interested in a board member position?
Please send a message to Ms. Gianni Bermudez, Program Coordinator BARiO UNICO sharing your interest. Please also indicate any preference(s) CdB.